Day After Benlysta Infusion #2: WTH just happened?!

Hi everyone hope this finds you well. Ok so this post is titled the day after , but it is actually 2 days after as I could not blog from being a total train wreck yesterday. However, this blog will describe the day after infusion #2.

Wow what a huge hit I took! I woke up yesterday and thought I had been run over, no seriously runover. Unlike my first infusion where I was able to have some ginger ale and codeine to move around a little that was not gonna happen.

It is already such a blur so I will try to describe it best I can. Since most of the readers have lupus you should understand very well what I am trying to describe. Ok here goes…

I was so exhausted and in so much pain I was taking codeine every 3 instead of 4 hours. Yes my doctor approved it as my liver panel was fine and it did not exceed the maximum 3000 mgs of Tylenol in a day for emergency dose as there is only 325 mgs of Tylenol in a codeine #4.

I could barely lift my head off my pillow and had tremors. The kind that are more like jerky movements and not the shakes. So as you can imagine it made it very hard to walk when I could get up so I used my cane for stability to go to the bathroom, get drink, etc.

Then the headache kicked in, OMG the kind where you are pretty sure you may not even be a human being and some sort of alien living in a hallucinogenic bubble. That I’m fairly sure was caused by the dehydration due to lack of access to fluids because I couldn’t walk to the kitchen. My face was hard and purple and hurt like hell.

Then I started running a fever at around 12 o’clock, but it stayed right under the call the doctor if this happens on the discharge sheet at around 101.8. So I was hot, then cold, hot, shaking, sweating. All this mixed in with the other stuff mentioned above. Fever is a very common side effect to Benlysta and it makes sense. I am allergic to all NSAIDS so it is hard for me to get a fever down.

Lastly I was nauseous as expected, but my stomach is the one thing left on my body that is still strong. If I could have gotten up to get a cheeseburger I would have eaten the whole thing hahaha! Which is good because I was told that you are to feed, not starve this particular medication. Unfortunately though I starved it because nobody was home to help me eat. So I started to turn around at around 10 o’clock last night when the fever broke. I was able to sit up in a chair and the headache was much better I also had some heaviness in the chest and symptoms similar to pleurisy.

So here’s the deal…to anyone reading this without lupus you would think, wow what an idiot for taking this drug. Who would do that to themselves? However, everything I have described above is what is called a bad lupus flare. We get this several times a year sometimes lasting for weeks to months with no relief. In this case it was temporary and served a purpose. In most cases it does not and you just don’t know in true detail because I don’t talk about it except on support sites.

So to my fellow lupies…the best way to describe what happened to me yesterday is to imagine your worst flare EVER. The kind that sends you to the emergency room because you don’t know whats wrong and are assuming your organs are failing. Except you don’t go because you actually know what’s wrong, it’s your body fighting the bad cells, the ones that aren’t behaving like the other’s. It’s the Benlysta doing it’s job. So don’t be scared it’s nothing unlike what you have been dealing with for so many years already. Just be prepared with someone home  in case, but you may not need anyone. My first one I didn’t feel that great but was able to take care of myself. Better to be safe then sorry and have someone nearby. These symptoms I am describing were not in waves they were collective, all at once.

So today I woke up feeling pretty good. I just feel like I have lupus and not that I was hit by a train and left to die. I have been putting arnica gel on the IV site this time to try to avoid that awful embarrassing bruise that everyone stared at me like I was a frigging junkie. So far it’s working well, yay 🙂

I want to reiterate that this blog is about my experience with Benlysta and you may not have any symptoms at all, yours may be worse or they may be completely different. This is a blog about my experience and you can take from it what you need as you decide whether or not to take this route. For me it was an easy decision. Nothing to lose, but time. There are only so many years you want to spend in a bed and I was/am DONE with that. Feel free to comment directly on the blog if you wish, especially the readers on Benlysta. Also any questions for me I will surely answer if I can. It is absolutely amazing to see the amount of hits this blog is getting as it shows me the “traffic” and obviously this is a subject people want and need to know about! So I will keep going with the blog and since I don’t go back for another infusion for 28 days I may include some research information on the drug in the interim.

Ok so now I am going to go take a hot shower and make something to eat. I want to thank everyone who have been so supportive of this journey and I hope I am helping those of you curious about what may or may not happen while taking this drug. I am including pictures of the walls of my room at the hospital. The oncology unit has amazing theme rooms and the artist is so talented! This room was an Africa wildlife theme. She donated her time and free-handed every room, what a lovely and talented lady!

Love and Lupie Hugs,

Nicole 🙂

Benlysta Infusion #2

Hi everyone hope all is well! So today was my second infusion and I wanted to fill you in. I went again to Tarzana Hospital driven by my mom and pretty much everything went the same as the first one.

I checked in at admitting at 8:30 and off I went upstairs. I requested a private room again due to my photosensitivity and the lights in the infusion room. No problem there and this time I got the wild animal room which was beautiful and I will share the pictures soon, something to look forward too lol. Unfortunately though my Benlysta was not at the hospital pharmacy so I had to wait until almost 11 a.m. for it to arrive. Meanwhile they fed me breakfast and I watched some TV and well Facebooked with all you guys, let’s be real:-)

So at about 10:45 they gave me the Benadryl, started the line and also saline. That infused for about a half hour until the good stuff arrived. She hooked it up and started slow and then bumped it up 20 minutes later to complete within the hour’s time. So it takes about 10 minutes for me and I feel a little dizzy and pretty tired. The dizziness goes away pretty fast, the tiredness does not. Then after its done and the IV is removed they make me lay there for about 20 minutes or until I feel up to get moving. Even still I can barely keep my eyes open, just typing this is exhausting. It’s weird though because then you close them for a while, get a little energy and then BAM eyes need to close again. This continues through tomorrow afternoon if memory serves me right.

After you have the infusion it is ordered by the doctor to push fluids. That means you drink, and drink, and drink some more. That is really the only time I get nauseous which is still going on because I have not finished the 2 liters of fluid. This is ordered by the doctor and also eating is a must and they recommend many small meals. This is because you have basically sent your body into war with itself and when you go to war you need to eat and drink to stay alive (doctor’s analogy not mine). I am also slightly off balance, but not too bad and I have some heaviness in my chest. The best way to describe the heaviness is like if you’ve been walking around outside in really humid weather all day. My spine also hurts, but that could be from the hospital bed, who knows?

So there you have it, nothing extraordinary or life changing, but I promised to let you all know especially my friends on Benlysta or getting ready to start. A special thank you to my dear friend Sky Desario-Moman for making me this amazing new Benlysta Blonde logo on top of the page, isn’t it awesome?! I love it thanks girlie you rock!

Love and Lupie Hugs,

Nicole 🙂

The day before Benlysta infusion #1

Hello everyone! I have started this blog to record through words and pictures my experience from day one on the lupus drug Benlysta. I have not seen many blogs on this drug and the ones I have seen appear to drop off so I hope I am able to follow through and record this journey from beginning to end to help others get information and for my own personal medical record. I start tomorrow morning Sept. 11, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. At Tarzana Hospital Oncology Center.

I will not bore you with my entire story, but I will say that I have had SLE for about 15 years (recorded) and have been on prednisone and between 12-17 other different meds daily for about as long. I say “recorded” because many of us had signs and symptoms way before diagnosis and I can remember things “lupus like” occuring in me since about 12 years old. I have been bed ridden about 90 percent of my day for over 2 years now in severe pain and because of other symptoms too lengthy to cover.

So I woke up this morning nervous as all hell. I took a valium and called the nurse who will be administering it at the hospital and that helped a lot. She was very nice and informative and I was also able to have my doctor change my orders to include a hydration bag during infusion to hopefully lesson some of the bad side effects. He had already ordered a Benadryl shot and Zofran so that was good.

My daughter Paige, who also has SLE, will be taking me and helping me document this through words, pictures, and possibly video if aloud. She is my sister warrior and having her hand to hold will help so much. She leaves back to school out of state on Sunday, but I will take what I can get. So here I go with nothing but positive thoughts and hope for a new beginning, not a cure because there is no cure, but a hopefully an improvement.

Also, I would like to give special thanks to our President and Congressmen and women who gave me this opportunity by allowing me to participate in the pre existing condition program. I was unable to get insured before after getting kicked off my plan for lupus and now I am back being timely treated again, hopefully not too late. Without proper treatment I do not believe I would make it much longer physically or mentally so for this I am eternally grateful.

Love and Lupie Hugs,

Nicole 🙂